Monday, October 31, 2011

Depression & Creativity

I'm sure many of you have experienced it...

How does depression effect creativity?

It wipes it clean.

I don't suffer from depression per se...more like situational depression.   I have a lot on my plate.  And in my glass.  When you don't do illegal drugs, the legal ones work just fine.  I have probably been slightly inebriated since February.  Things are coming to a peak, the mountain will either be a smooth slide down or a rocky, foot cutting extended hike.  I'll know soon.

I guess a true creationist (new meaning for the term...'one who must create') still finds an outlet.  Mine has been nails.

I paint my nails.  All the time.  I have explored glitters, mattes, foils, one coat versus two coat, non-acetone remover versus acetone remover, etc.  The fleeting act of simply spreading color over ten tiny canvases is all I need right now to exist.   Yesterday, orange with black glitter.  Two days before, aqua with green and silver flecks of glitter.  Today, dark lovely navy.  Tomorrow I will spread a blue glitter top coat and consider it a job well done.

I want to get back into painting sometimes.  Maybe I'll use nail polish, since I have a rainbow in my bathroom cabinets now!